Sunday 12 December 2010

Snuggly Snuggie

I’m sat watching Dirty Dancing in my ‘snuggie’. I look almost as attractive in my snuggie as I did in my surgical stockings, paper knickers and hair net on Wednesday. I love Dirty Dancing so much and have fond, yet embarrassing, memories of my old house mate and I dancing to the Dirty Dancing remix in Hanley as if we knew ALL the dance steps. Obviously we didn’t and after a pitcher too many cocktails (we were in Flares or one of the other variations of those bars) we both fell over while attempting a particularly difficult dance move.

My old housmate and I the night of our Dirty Dancing fall

Since the op I’ve been drinking only smoothies, soup and the like and am looking forward to being able to wear something lovely for my birthday. I don’t think I’ve been ‘out, out’ as I say, since about March because there was no point in going out if didn’t feel ok in how I looked, so instead I stayed in and got fatter. Well no more. Once I’ve shifted a stone I’m going to treat myself to something new to wear. I’ll also have lots to wear from my existing wardrobe as everything in there I like, it’s just too damn tight.

Lily and I came home on Friday as we’d been staying at my mums for a few days after the op. She’s super excited to be home and has spent most of her time snuggled up on her favourite candlewick of stealing the bird’s fat balls in the garden. I haven’t been in too much pain or discomfort following the op, mainly trapped wind pain from being inflated like a balloon and most of the pain radiates to the left shoulder because of some nerve or other. Most pain has now gone except for sharp jabs in my rib (where my band port is sewn to my rib muscle) if I do certain movements and I certainly won’t be bending for a fair few days. I’ve come up with and ingenious way of flicking things off the floor with my feet onto something higher so I can reach them. My hands, wrists and arms have turned interesting shades of green and blue from 9 attempts to get a cannula in my arm. It wasn’t the anaesthetists fault, I’m always a nightmare to get veins in and this was made lots worse by the fact I’d had to fast for the op. In the end they knocked me out with some gas or other first and then the very handsome surgeon managed to get a vein.

I hope everyone’s had a lovely weekend and thank you again for all your lovely comments xxx


  1. Glad you are ok Amy :)

    Those snuggies are fab arnt they; they are are my works home based teams 'uniform' along with jazzy pj bottoms and a hoodie for warmth!

    I totally know how you feel; i very rarely go 'out out' as just dont feel confident/comfortable... so major changes planned for January!
    Look forward to seeing all of these dresses! xx

  2. I am desperate for a snuggie haha its on my christmas list but my boyfriend wont get me one :( Says I dont need any more excuses to be lazy haha! Ive seen a leopard print one that I want.
    Glad your on the mend :)

  3. I need a Snuggie, I've seen one in the Avon book that has a Country Rose theme :) x

  4. Amys snugglie is fab - it is a leopard print affair - much nicer than the usual red or blue ones!

  5. Glad to hear you are home and snug!

  6. Glad to hear you are being looked after, hope you are feeling back to normal soon! It will feel amazing to get into those smaller clothes in the New Year ~ just keep that image of yourself in your mind :)
    Kandi x

  7. Hello Amy :0)
    Good to hear that your home, nothing quite like your own bed is there? Hopefully the windy problem will soon go and you will be able to twist and bend in a few weeks time.
    I hope that this op helps you to achieve what you wish for yourself - take it easy and stay 'snug' xx

  8. Hi Amy. I just popped in to catch up with your news...and Boy! What news??? Hope you're soon feeling fit as a flea, chick! I hope this op brings you fabulous results and you'll soon be in all those lovely vintage dresses. Much love, Amanda xxx

  9. Glad you are ok...I am a nightmare with veins too...a few weeks ago I needed a cannula putting in and after a few attempts I ended up with one halfway up my lower arm in no mans land...I had plenty of lovely coloured bruises too x

  10. Well done so far chick! I love your hair by the way! I know how you feel about going out. But soon you are going to feel much better about you, and much more confident to boot xx

  11. Hi Amy
    I am so glad that your'e Ok, and I'm sorry I've only just managed to catch up with you. Just think of all those lovely vintage clothes you will be able to wear. I love your account of lily pinching the fat balls, my Pugs do that and then end up with seeds in their poo!!! Hope the shoulder tip pain goes away, that is very painful, I have suffered with that before. Stay warm and safe. Speak soon.
    Jo xx

  12. Glad you are feeling well after the op, I was thinking about you on Wednesday.

    Looking forward to hearing about your progress and seeing some pictures of you in your new clothes. xx

  13. Glad you're on the mend, sounds like you've got a great attitude to it all,sure you're recovery will be speedy because of that Linda xx


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