Monday 25 April 2011

Stratford Upon Avon Decorative Fair

I hope everybody's had a lovely Easter! I had a lovely day on Saturday at the Decorative Fair in Stratford Upon Avon and met lots of lovely sellers. Stratford was full of tourists enjoying the sunshine and it was a good job I took a decent amount of extra stock to top up my stall. The vintage sunglasses I took along sold particularly well with the nice weather and I'm spending today making more vintage annual/map envelopes as I sold lots of those too.

The Town Hall venue was beautiful and Lucy did a fantastic job of hosting the fair.

My spare room is now looking a bit tidier after me spending most of yesterday re-organising my 'stock' shelves. I'll soon be sorting my mum's loft to see what things we've squirrelled away over the years and I'm trying to avoid charity shops and car boot sales until I've been through the loft as there's a ridiculous amount of things in there for me to put on my stalls. I'm also desperate to hunt out a large railway station perpetual calendar that I know my mum has up there somewhere. Stephen and Judy of All Things Vintage & Beautiful had a desk sized one of their stall at the fair and it reminded me how beautiful and useful they are.

Right I'm off to make some envelopes and catch up with some blogs. On that note I'm sorry if I haven't got around to reading everyones blogs yet. I love reading them but with the amount of lovely blogs  I follow and the time consuming word verification things on lots of blogs there is just not enough hours in the day. Does anyone else struggle to keep up with their favourite blogs or is it just me?  xxx


  1. Hi Amy, yes I find the same thing, I follow over 120 blogs and it is hard to keep up, I find the word verification a big turnoff. I've been following you for a little while now and have hardly commented yet if at all- so there's proof! I'm a vintage seller too, good on you for running your own fair, it must be very hard work and I sincerely hope you do well out of it and keep it going.xx.

  2. I certainly find it hard to keep up...could easily be on the computer 24/7....and I do find word verification annoying as well.
    Glad you did well at the Fair.

  3. Your stall looks beautiful and look at all the goodies on your stock shelves!! Scarlett x

  4. I was glad when your mum made the post about turning off the word verification, it makes it easier for others and I don't get any spam.

    Sounds like a great weekend!

  5. I know what you mean with blogs, if I miss a day of looking at my blog-reader then there is just too much the next day and I have to scim read and just glance at the pictures. I do love them though I haven't bought a magazine in months.

  6. Your stall looked fantastic - well done :0) not surprised you sold lots of lovely goodies.

    I find it hard to keep up with all the blogs I follow, but I do try. The trouble is I am easily distracted and I spot a new blog and take a look 45 mins later I've run out of time :(

  7. Stratford Upon Avon is one of my favourite places to visit if I lived nearer I'd have been there like a shot.Glad everything went well for you hun, if you have time pop over to me I'm hosting a swap, Lucey xx

  8. Sounds like you had a great weekend - would love to see what you've got squirreled away :)

    I struggle with keeping up with blogs - I tend of have a burst of reading everyday and then comment when I can.

  9. I read all the blogs I follow but I am afraid I don't comment on them all as most of the time I feel I don't have anything constructive to say, but I am making the effort more!!


  10. what a wonderful place to hold a fayre, statford is so lovely, glad you things sold well. i must say your shelfing looks so organised x x

  11. Your stall looks lovely and doesn't that table and chair set up look fantastic!

    I find if I miss blogging for a few days it's a nightmare to catch up sometimes especially when you find you want to comment on everything!

    Victoria x

  12. Your stall looks fab. I agree, l follow 160 blogs and l feel bad that l.can't read them all. I try to make the effort to comment on the blogs of those l have met though. xx

  13. Your stall looks amazing and so pretty!

    I love your stock shelf! I have the same shelf myself but it's not as jam packed with gorgeous items as yours is! I see a Pierrot in the top left box! I'm a huge fan of the Pierrot with a reasonably sized collection myself :D How much would you charge for him ;p *hint hint* xxx

  14. Hi Lucy, glad to hear you had a good weekend and sold some stock to ;-) I am the same as you i follow over a 100 blogs and i find it hard to keep up and i hate that word verification thing to and i have now turned mine off i didn't realize you could. But people will understand that you have a life away from blogging to so don't worry were only human at the end of the day ;-)) Have a lovely week, dee x

  15. Looks like just my sort of place, I do love a vintage fair. Yes, I seem to be following loads of blogs and do find it especially annoying about word verification, I'm sure some comments haven't gone through as I have lots of windows open and sometimes don't realise I've been asked for a word. I do try to visit all my followers blogs though, and pop over to anyone who's commented when I can.

  16. Your stall looks lovely Amy and I'm glad you had a great day. I love the envelopes you make. I find it hard to catch up with my favourite blogs sometimes as I follow so many.
    Have a lovely week.
    Jo xx

  17. Your stall looks fabulous, Amy! You are very disciplined to resist the lure of the boot sales and declutter.
    I'm hopelessly behind on blog reading, I don't dare post until I've commented on all my faves. xxx

  18. Your stall looks fab, Stratford is lovely too. It's been awhile since I've been, it's not far for me either.

    I struggle to keep up with blogs sometimes and commenting but we all have such busy lives :) x

  19. I follow a fair few blogs and do also struggle to find time to catch up with them all the time. A lot of the time I can only find the time once a week, even though I may post more than that.

    I wish I'd been in Stratford on Saturday, I could've popped by and said hello. x

  20. Hi Amy!

    That price for the Pierrot bust sounds great!

    You can send an invoice to this email address if you prefer payment by paypal.


    Thanks :D

  21. Your stall looks really beautiful, glad you had a lovely weekend x

  22. Hey Amy!
    Your stall looks fab! :) and good work with the stock organizing!
    Hope everythings well with you and that you have a lovely weekend!

    p.s. I find it hard to keep up with all the blogs I follow sometimes too, there's just so many that I like!

  23. O hi! I wish I could visit England, but I will just have to wave to u with my paw. :)

  24. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, nice to hear from someone in the UK!

  25. ooh your stock shelves look like heaven! xx

  26. Your stall looks beautiful! If I was closer I'd definitly be over to say hello and make a purchase. I find it difficult to keep on top of blog reading and commenting too at times! Hugs, Em x


I really appreciate all of your comments even if I don't always get chance to reply to them all x