Friday 20 January 2012

We Love Dogs!

A selection of vintage dogs sat on my living room dresser

It'll soon be time to distribute our flyers for the March 4th fair, and the essential ingredient in our flyer picture? A dog! Those of you who know my Mum and I will know that we're massive dog lovers and have four between us.

Our first flyer 2011, featuring a little grey vintage dog

We pick something with a vintage doggy theme for each flyer, whether it be an image of a dog on a tin or postcard, or a figurine, there has to be a four legged friend within each flyer image!

Our second vintage fair flyer 2011, featuring a dog on a vintage tin

Amy x


  1. I have seem to have aquired a small but growing collection of doggy ornaments -the first one I use for my profile big on blogger and the others are CS finds and pressies from a friend.

  2. Great to see you posting again I've missed your blog! I love dogs but I'm bafly allergic to them I visit friends dogs and get ill for a day or so, but it's worth it. I must start collecting china ones, they cant make me sneeze can they?
    Kandi x

  3. Lovely. I couldn't live without a dog around the house. Far too boring!xxx

  4. I love the fact you always feature a dog on your flyers xxx


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