Sunday 13 March 2011

Sunday Antics

Excuse the lack of pictures in this post, I've just gone to use my camera and it's out of battery so that's that. I hope everybody's had a lovely week and weekend. I'v been busy working an extra day at work, visiting my friend in her new house and running very boring errands in an attempt to downsize my 'To Do List'. I've also been super productive today and not only priced and packed up all of my Vintage Fair stuff, but also sorted out my wardrobe, chest of drawers, under bed drawers and the vintage suitcases on top of my wardrobe. I hadn't realised quite how many clothes I'd saved over the years 'for when I'm slimmer' and have spent hours trying stuff on to see what now fits me and what really needs to go into tip/carboot sale/ ebay piles. I was suprised by how much fitted me and I've just loaded a massive basket of ironing into the car ready to take to my aunt's. Dyspraxia + an iron isn't the best of combinations so I have a good excuse for avoiding doing my own ironing.

I'm rocking the geek chic look today, although not so much the 'chic'. When I'm doing stuff around the house I don't see the point of getting out of my pjs so I'm currently wearing a black vest top, multicoloured men's Spider Man pj bottoms, bed socks and an oversized vintage style arran knit cardi. This would be fine if I hadn't ventured out to the car and bumped into my neighbours and all the kids playing in the street. It would probably also be fine if I hadn't broken the arm off my spare pair of glasses (my other pair having broken ages ago) and be walking around with one sided glasses on. To make it even worse I was well aware that I looked retarded venturing to the car in the said outfit AND broken glasses, so I took my glasses off and put them in my pocket, only to have to fumble for them and put them back on when I couldn't see well enough to find the right key for the car. Hmm, all in all a productive day.

These will be arriving on Friday (Gok Wan for Specsavers), plus a free Wayfarer/geek stye pair
I still haven't caught up with everyone's blogs so please excuse my lack of comments. I've been in bed by 7.30/8 every night this week and even shipped Lil's off to my mum's for the week. I'm now being good and taking my vitamins and am really looking forward to seeing some of my fellow bloggers at the Vintage Fair on Saturday. I should really have an early night tonight but it's the final episode in this series of Being Human! I think if I did go to bed early then I wouldn't be able to sleep with the sheer excitement of knowing it was on TV and I was missing it. Right, decision made. I'm gona jump in the shower now, put fresh pjs on, and stay up to watch it! What an exciting life I


  1. Glad those clothes are fitting, well done you.

  2. It's like getting a whole new wardrobe when old things fit again. Will be watching at 9pm too!

  3. I didnt realise you had Dyspraxia, I have it too. More so with my speech, had speech therapy as a kid. I am ever so clumsy, constantly bumping into things. I think it is part of the reason why I took so long to pass my driving test, hand eye co-ordination is not my strong point. Although my boyfriend just thinks I am a crap driver haha!
    Never met anyone else with Dyspraxia before, no one ever know what it is! They think I am making it up!

    Wooo about things fitting again. Its like you have a whole new wardrobe! Hopefully you might have a nice litter earner on ebay and buy some more clothes haha!


  4. I'm just picturing you in your broken specs and PJs! Oh dear, most unfortunate.
    Were you at Sutton Coldfield today? I thought about it but couldn't be bothered in the end, more than likely way out of my price range but if I'd known you were going I'd have made an effort. xxx

  5. Well done on the clothes fitting you, but the image of one sided specs really made me chuckle...sorry! :) x

  6. Ha ha ha you weave a good yarn!! Sounds like me, my hair has a mind of its own it's either sticking out like a scarecrow or it's flat to my head and that topped with pjs while I'm putting the bins out on a monday morning leaves little to the imagination....Lucey xx PS and I'm 54!!!!

  7. Oh I wish you had been able to take an outfit photo for us! Preferably outside with all the locals staring at you ;) x

  8. Hi Amy, do you want contact me via email as
    you have won my giveaway, the parcel is already to post out.


  9. You sound very chic to me! Yay for a new wardrobe too. Lve never watched being human. xx

  10. I love being human. Be sad when its finished again!

    Must admit it made me smile thinking of your one sided glasses, thats something I would do!

    X x x

  11. I remember once a lense out of a pair of my glasses fell out and I somehow got through the day with only one in! Now that's quite crazy looking back.

    This really reminds me I must have a wardrobe clearout, I have so many clothes on the 'one day will wear when...' pile, it's a bit silly really, I know I would be better off without a lot of them and a more organised wardrobe xx

  12. Hi Amy,

    My email address is, email me your postal address and I will post out your parcel.

    Many thanks.


  13. Hi Amy thanks for the comment on my blog. Hope the vintage fair goes well and really hope you're at the next BBB! Missed you last time - just get out your thermals, it'll be fine ;-) x

  14. I find it hard to change out of pjs when I'm at home... and worse still even if I happen to be dressed I'm still wearing my dressing gown to keep warm!

    Victoria x


I really appreciate all of your comments even if I don't always get chance to reply to them all x