Thursday 18 November 2010


I was so excited this morning to see that I have reached 100 followers! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you leave, they really do mean a lot and I love reading them. I also love reading all of your blogs, all of which I try to pop over to at least once a week. I'm finding myself talking about my blog friends more and more and I think the people at work think I'm slightly mad, but people you have things in common with and enjoy having a good laugh and discussion with are just that aren't they, friends!

By some coincidence the day I hit 100 followers is also the day that my friend's very helpful boyfriend finished designing me a logo. Thanks Dan! I've plonked it onto my blog for you all to see and I hope to tidy up the rest of my blog over the coming months. I just don't get HTML coding and can't seem to get the colours quite right on my blog, so I'll be capturing some computery type person soon and asking for a helping hand. Hope you're all having a good week, and if not, at least it's nearly the weekend! XXX


  1. Congrats! you don't look a day over 92 followers ;-)

  2. Congratulations on your 100 followers. Your new banner is fab. I know what you mean about trying to get your blog looking just right. Took me ages to change mine and still not completely happy!

  3. Congrats n very nice logo!
    I still aint quite happy with the look of my blog... its always a work in progress! xx

  4. Wow that happened quick - you must just have the blogging touch. But remember it is great to have an all singing all dancing spread but its the content that counts which makes people keep coming back - and you seem to have it in spades:)

    Beverley x

  5. Well deserved, Amy! I love visiting your blog. xxx

  6. I was talking about you to hubby, I was telling him about when you were at Uni and lived at Newcastle. I do think 'real' people don't understand, we might not know people in person but its so nice to 'meet' like minded people.

    I'll think about you tomorrow when we're sitting in Yates with a bottle of wine, have a great weekend.

  7. Think my celebration may have been a bit premature, I've lost a follower. Oh dear x

  8. I'm sure you will soon get another!
    Lovely new header!

  9. Love the look of your blog and new logo! Well done. I seem to have been at a stagnant number for ages, but I use feedburner to see how many overall subscribers I have. Have a try if you haven;t already.

  10. Congratulations!

    The logo looks great too :D

  11. Congratulation you Centurian xxxx

  12. Congrats on your 100 followers and I love your new logo x

  13. Oh I love your new logo it's just perfect! Congrats on the followers too, it's no suprise your blog is a lovely place to visit. I am the same I refer to you bloggers as my friends or my blog ladies my hubbie calls you. Likeminded bloggers are like friends we share a lot of ourselves and I probably know more about some bloggers than some the the friends I have in the 'real world'.
    Kandi x

  14. Congratulations - I too love spending time visiting the blogs of my "bloggy friends". Love the new header by the way. xxx

  15. Hello lovely I love the new blog look, the spotty background is lovely AND it has cherries on it!! Congratulations on getting to 100 followers xx

  16. Love your logo Amy it's perfect for you. Congrats on your followers, don't worry about losing one, I have just had one disappear too.
    Ann x


I really appreciate all of your comments even if I don't always get chance to reply to them all x